Fairlight Primary & Nursery School

Every individual child achieves



Welcome to the Year 5 page  


General Information

Dear Parents and carers,

Welcome to Year 5!  

We hope you enjoyed the school holiday and are ready for a very busy term!



PE will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays during Autumn 1. On those days appropriate PE kit should be worn including appropriate footwear (e.g. trainers with shorts and t shirt or, when the weather gets colder, a sweatshirt and tracksuit bottoms/leggings. Please ensure children don't wear jeans, crop tops or jewellery.


Every Friday (from Friday 15th September) we will post an overview of the week on our homework page so you know what your child has been learning and have some specific questions to ask them. We hope this helps you to know a bit about what goes on in school and helps children to consolidate their understanding. We will also provide a spelling list for  children to practice and regularly encourage children to log on to Times-table Rock Stars  and Rollama (see links below).


We will have a spelling test every Friday. Please support your child with learning their spellings. Click here for ideas on how to learn your spellings.        


All children should be reading regularly throughout the week. As your child gets more fluent and independent they may want to read alone, in their head, this is fine. However, we ask parents/carers to check their child is understanding the story by asking them questions and also encouraging children to check the meaning of words if they are unsure. All children will be give a reading record sheet this week. Once full, it can be brought back to school and exchanged for 2 tokens and a new record sheet. Click here for a reading record sheet.


Mobile phones

Mobile phones are only needed if your child walking home by themselves. Please fill in the online form below to give permission - https://www.fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk/school-office/medicine-administration/mobile-phone-permissions . Please read the information carefully and share it with your child. Before allowing your child to bring their mobile phone to school, please bear in mind that the school does not permit their use for communication during the school day. Phones will sit turned off for the entire day inside a box.


Walking home alone

This may be something you start to think about as your child gets a little older. If you decide to allow your child to walk home alone at any point during the year please read the information on this link carefully and fill in the form to give your permission. https://www.fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk/school-office/medicine-administration/walking-home-permissions-form


Water bottles

Please bring them in! Children must only have water in the bottle which they use in the classroom (squash and fruit juice can be brought in for lunchtimes but cannot be drunk in the classroom as they are very sticky if spilt). 


Name all clothing

Please make sure your child's clothing is named particularly their jumpers, cardigans and coats so we can easily return them if they get left around the school or in the playground.


Year 5 Trip

We have already organised a lovely trip on Friday 22nd September, looking around the city of Brighton, finding out about our historical buildings with a museum guide and even solving a mystery! We will also be looking around the inside of the Pavilion. This trip is an exciting way to start of our 'Historical Brighton' topic'.

Communication with the year 5 team

Please grab us at the end of the day or you can email workathome@fairlight.brighton-hove.sch.uk

Best wishes

The Year 5 team


Spelling Lists   

Year 5 Spelling words

Year 3 and 4 Spelling words

Year 1 and 2 Spelling words

          Click here for ideas on how to learn your spellings.        





Regular Number Facts Practice -

Download the free White Rose 1 minute maths app from your app store. It's a brilliant resource for practising quick recall of important number facts.

Log in to Times Table Rock Stars to practise your times table facts.

Go to our school maths page for more fun Maths Games to play.





Play super SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar) games on Rollama!

Click on English to find links to plenty of helpful websites.




link to Purple Mash website

Click on Purple Mash to explore, improve your skills and knowledge and have fun in lots of creative ways. 

If you don't have your login details, speak to your class teacher