Fairlight Primary & Nursery School

Every individual child achieves


Reading Fluency and comprehension


Read, read, read! Read to your child, read with your child, and listen to them read.

Here is an article with some helpful suggestions:


See below for some great websites to help your child with their reading:

Early Reading 

Here is a parents guide from Little Wandle all about phonics and early reading.

Parents Guide to Phonics and Early Reading

Come into school and borrow a book from our library...

You'll find books, comics and other things to borrow

 and read at home.

Fairlight Reading Journey

Please read as much as you can, log it on your reading journal and return to your teacher!

Brighton Libraries have some great e-books to borrow through borrow box

Scholastic Book Club

If you wish to purchase discounted books through the scholastic book club and make money for the school follow the link below:



Oxford Owls   

This website has loads of information and book lists on all aspects of literacy.

Books Trust Listen to stories on  Story Nory for free       Converting Audible

Phonics Play is a fun phonics website,

you can access some games for free.

Purple Mash has a lot of literacy games on,

your child can access these using their log ins from school.


Pobble 365 has a new picture every day with some question prompts. Your child's imagination can run wild! Talk about the pictures, make a story, answer the questions.....



Wizarding World - for Harry Potter fans! Loads of activities!


Family Zone BBC Bitesize